Here’s part 2 of our 10 easy-to-follow steps that’ll have you reaching – and smashing – your goals now that you’ve set them

6. Make yourself accountable

Select a few people to make sure you stay on your goal track.

Tips to make it happen

Think about which friends, family, colleagues or partners will be most helpful in achieving your goal. Maybe they’re a good listener, have great cheerleading skills, or make the best cup of tea? Explain your goal to them and ask them to help you achieve it. Be as specific as possible – do you want them to ask for weekly updates, meet you for a monthly coffee, or email you motivational memes?

 7. Get out there and network

Finding your tribe of like-minded people means you’ll have plenty of opportunities to learn and collaborate.

Tips to make it happen

Start with the internet – search for local groups that share your interests. Hop into conversations on social media, like Facebook or Twitter. Go old school and check out posters at your local library. If you can’t find an existing group, set one up at work or with family and friends.

There’s already a ready-made group of people interested in naturopathy online – join us on Facebook.

8. Banish the negativity

One of the biggest obstacles you’ll face will be that little nagging voice from yourself (and sometimes others), that says you can’t do it.

Tips to make it happen

There are ways to tackle the negativity. You could set aside 10 minutes a day to review negative thoughts, any negative thoughts that creep in outside this time aren’t allowed to be considered until ‘negative thought time’. Or you could let out your negative thoughts by writing them down. Check out the internet for plenty more helpful tips, like this article from Mindfood.

9. Look back on what you’ve achieved

Whether you’ve smashed your goal, or it hasn’t quite worked out, it’s important to reflect – either to celebrate your win, or learn from what went wrong.

Tips to make it happen

Find a quiet spot and do a debrief on paper or electronically. Think about what went well, what didn’t, and what you could do differently next time. File this where you can easily find it for next time.

10. Do it all over again

Now you’ve achieved your goal (or not quite), you need to do it all over again!

Tips to make it happen

Start by reviewing your brainstorm and choosing your next goal to focus on. Or you can even start from scratch by brainstorming all over again. Most importantly, have fun with it and feel proud that you’re investing your time and energy into achieving your goals.